sfumato | science & art

sfumato | science & art

bluebeige designs home portfolio studio contact magazine sfumato | science & art introduction Sfumato is an Italian word derived from the word “Fumo”. In English, Sfumato means blurred or no obvious boundaries. The term is often a reference to a...
necker cube: design + illusions

necker cube: design + illusions

bluebeige designs home portfolio studio contact magazine necker cube: design + illusions introduction The Necker cube was founded by a Swiss scientist, Louis Albert Necker. The image is drawn in a wireframe mode with 2-D planes exposing all 6 sides of a cube in an...
extroverts/introvert spectrum

extroverts/introvert spectrum

bluebeige designs home portfolio studio contact magazine extroverts/introvert spectrum introduction Our brain and visual system work together to register, digest information and make sense of the world around us. This system is influenced by age, time, events and...
movement, visual system, motion perception

movement, visual system, motion perception

bluebeige designs home portfolio studio contact magazine movement, visual system, motion perception introduction Movements of our eyes, bodies and the world around us have a tangible and intangible presence in all aspects of our daily lives. Studies have shown that...
what makes something beautiful?

what makes something beautiful?

bluebeige designs home portfolio studio contact magazine what makes something beautiful? introduction Neuroscience studies of art and beauty have shown a strong connection between beauty and desire. The same brain areas are activated when we look at something...
the art of living: design at cell levels

the art of living: design at cell levels

bluebeige designs home portfolio studio contact magazine the art of living: design at cell levels introduction Our nervous system is involved in everything we do, think and feel. We respond to our surroundings with our senses, thoughts, emotions and perceptions....

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